4 Things to Help you Understand your Database for Non-Technical Users

My Marketing Automation talent just left. ‍Now what?‍I am not sure how long it will be before I can replace them. Learn how to not be completely in the dark when your marketing automation talent leaves

My Marketing Automation talent just left.

Now what?

I am not sure how long it will be before I can replace them.

Have you just started at an organization and are unsure what’s going on in your Marketing Automation platform?

Is your Marketing Automation talent leaving, or not there anymore and you are flying blind, barely able to keep programs running on a day-to-day basis?

These are common situations that Leaders of Digital Marketing encounter when they start a new job or lose their key marketing automation talent.

If you find yourself in this situation, here are 4 steps to start getting a handle on your Marketing Automation platform for non-technical users.

Step 1: Start by looking at the database as a whole.

How many records are in the database?

How many of them are marketable and how many are not?

Marketo makes this easy to see under the database tab. In Hubspot you should be able to see this by using an “active list”, looking at the number of marketable contacts, and looking at those that are not unsubscribed.

This will help give you a foundation.

Step 2: Look at an overall email report.

This will give you an idea of what emails are being sent and will help you know if you have glaring issues with your email programs.

You want to have:

- Deliverability rate above 97%,

- Open rate above 20%,

- Click through rate above 2%

- Unsubscribe rate below 2%.

Anything lower and you know that is something to look into.

Step 3: Look for Lifecycle Stages and their status.

For Hubspot this is fairly easy as it’s a built-in field. For Marketo or other platforms, you’ll have to go looking for it. Should be Person Status, Lifecycle Stage, or some variation of that.

Knowing where everyone is at in your database according to your lifecycle is vital to pretty much letting you know where you currently stand today. It can tell you how healthy your funnel is.

Step 4: Reporting and Analytics.

Are there reports in your Marketing Automation Platform? Finding reports will tell you a lot of things. It will allow you to answer questions like?

Where is everyone coming from?

What activities are bringing in leads that are contributing to closed-won sales?

If there aren’t reports that tells you a lot too. You’ll know there is work to do.

The information you’ve gathered from these 4 steps should help you as you start to untangle and understand the mess of your current Marketing Automation platform.

If you don’t have an expert that works for you. I’d recommend you hire either a consultant or agency that will do an audit of your current system to help you fully understand how well you are utilizing your platform.

If you have more questions feel free to schedule some time with us.

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