Why Marketing is Viewed As a Cost Center

Marketing is viewed as a cost center. Most marketing leaders don't know how to change that perception. Hint: Marketing Operations is the key.

Marketing can’t shake being viewed as a cost center. Until now. Great Marketing Operations talent are changing that perception.

Chances are you are your org is like most marketing teams, viewed as a cost center.

Chances are also that your Marketing Operations team isn’t involved in your strategy discussions and your marketing automation is just an email sending platform.

If it is, you're wasting your most valuable resource.

Marketing operations is the backbone of your marketing team. They are the “how” to the goals you make. Pretty much any activity you plan to do will need to at some level touch your marketing automation platform. Sounds like a role that touches every project is really important.

Why then are these roles often the most forgotten and left out of the strategy discussions?

If you are using this talent for just emails you are behind.

What happens when you use your marketing ops talent poorly:

you will continuously send out emails that will lead to mediocre results.

your marketing automation talent will leave because they aren’t valued and appreciated.

you will wonder why all of a sudden things seem to be broken when your talent leaves.

you will attempt to overcorrect by sending out even more emails that neither you nor your potential customers want.

you will end up hiring talent into a broken role.

the cycle will begin again.

So how can you start changing the perception of marketing being a cost center?

Bring marketing automation talent into your strategy discussion because they are how you are going to accomplish your goals.

Listen to them. Make sure you understand what the constraints and possibilities are that they uniquely are equipped to tell you.

What happens when you bring Marketing Ops into your strategy discussion:

you won’t waste time on the wrong things.

you’ll be able to craft digital experiences that are meaningful to your prospects and customers.

you’ll be able to understand exactly what is technically required to achieve the goals you set for your company.

you’ll be able to get a clear picture of the impact your marketing activities are having on the business.

you won’t waste your budget on tools you don’t need.

you will keep your marketing automation talent longer.

Level up your team. Make marketing ops a strategic partner. Watch how the perception of marketing changes.

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